Meine Next-Nintendo-Console(s) Prophezeiung.

Ich mache mir ja gern Gedanken über die langfristigen Entwicklungen am Konsolen Markt (siehe Next Gen Chronicles) und habe natürlich auch schon öffentlich über die nächste Konsolen Generation von Nintendo nachgedacht (Man entschuldige bitte die Tippfehler):

Mein Kommentar dazu auf Reddit:

Here are my personal, rather bold predictions/hopes/guesses:

  • 2018 Nintendo will release their new Gaming Platform.
  • It will be one unified OS which is compatible with DS, 3DS, Wii and Wii U Games. All those games will run on the new Platform.
  • There will be 2 product branches: The portable and the stationary consoles. The feature set will be more or less the same as current Nintendo consoles (Wii U and New 3DS).
  • The portable one will have the power of the Wii U (and will be able to run all Wii U, 3DS, DS and Wii games).
  • The stationary one will be more powerful (like a PS 4).
  • Not all games are running on both platforms: All portable ones will run on the stationary, but not all stationary games will run on the portables. The developers can decide.
  • There will be multiple versions with different price ranges and feature sets released.
  • The price ranges will be $ 180 – 250 (portable) and $ 250 – 350 (stationary).
  • One of the portable console versions could have rudimentary mobilephone features.
  • Nintendo could allow third party hardware manufacturers to produce own version of the new platform.
  • The systems will simply be called „Nintendo“.

Wie ich darauf komme? Das hier sind die Artikel, die mich hauptsächlich dazu inspiriert haben: